
Sockets & plugs

Sockets & plugs

Laos uses 230V, 50Hz with sockets and plugs Type A, Type B, Type C, Type E and Type F.

Sockets & plugs - Type A
Type A
Sockets & plugs - Type B
Type B
Sockets & plugs - Type C
Type C
Sockets & plugs - Type E
Type E
Sockets & plugs - Type F
Type F

Adapters and transformers

Adapter required, transformer not needed
Sockets & plugs

Some sockets/plugs in Laos are the same as in Maldives while for others you will need an adapter.


Frequency is the same in Laos and Maldives (50 Hz) so there shouldn't be any problems.


Laos also uses 230V as Maldives so you don't need a converter/transformer to convert a voltage as it's the same.